2015 SeaGames!

I was so lucky to be able to change for offs to go for the Sea Games!

so I went to buy some T-shirts from giordano for my boyfriend, mummy & joey!

The queue for the security check was so long. 
so many kids from different schools!

all wearing red, luckily we bought the t-shirts. hehehe.

so I took some time to take photos of my ootd!

and with mummy!

Boyfriend was already there waiting for us! heheee.
he's super excited about this.
不说你不知, my boyfriend was from the Singapore sports school. and he was a jumper!

so shuai right!

wefie !

he has a few friends participating in the seagames,
one of them is his ex classmate, Stefan Tseng.

triple jump! not easy!

so happy to be at the sports hub!

and then it's the 5km run. 
I'm so impressed by their stamina. 
one 2.4km run already can kill me liao

the girls doing the 5km run!

then we went over to the sea games carnival.
where they had some activities there for the supporters. 

but we were too lazy to queue.

went to take more photos instead. hehe

I'm glad I went for the event to watch the athletes doing our country proud!
you should go too! bye!


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