I was so lucky to be around for chinese new year!
My favourite occasion of the year!

Even though I'm born on christmas day,
I don't really care about christmas, my family don't celebrate christmas. 
And I only think of christmas as my birthday, nothing special.

But chinese new year is different,
every year, I will visit my relative's and friend's place,
collect angbao, prepare 15 sets of new clothes for CNY!
So many more things to do! 

I'm a very chinese-chinese, I enjoy CNY songs,
I like to sing along with the dong dong long dong chiang!

Like most people, we have steamboat at home for the reunion dinner.
My parents will prepare food enough for 20 people on that day -.-

My younger sister busy preparing the food.

Since joey got no time for me,
I went to dress fifi up!

I bought the clothes from taipei!

Got steamboat and bbq!
I just wished I know how to make the chilli from mookata.
then next time don't need to go mookata and make myself so smelly.

My naked laobei preparing the abalone!

CNN new year must-haves!


We enjoyed ourselves very much!

The angbaos I prepared for my parents!
so cute hör!
especially the pink one for my laobu!

And we ended the night celebrating my best friend- hui yi's birthday at my place.
She's so "lucky" that her b'day is the first day of CNY.

Will post more about her b'day another time!
Btw that's her boyfriend beside her holding onto the "ko lei chai", faith bought for me.

Peggy, me and fifi!

trying to act cute with e mandarin oranges!

First place to go - My bf's place!
He's trying to act cool but the mouth stuffed with all the goodies. hahahaha!

I love all these! so shiok!

steamboat again!

everything here got its meaning.
like fa gao - is to fa cai
the rest I'm not too sure. lol!

Boyfriend receiving angbao from his mum!

and then it's my turn!
thanks auntie! <3

after having lunch at my bf's place,
it's time to head over to his grandma's place.

Me and my boyfriend's elder sister - Posh!

nai nai !

first yu sheng of the year at nai nai's place!

the aunties preparing and I'm just standing here posing.

after the lou hei!

it's time to rush over to fetch my parents from my cousin's place.
so sad that I didn't had much time to catch up with my own relatives this year ):

my cousin's dogs love me.

hahaha! kena stunned!

my chio laobu and my younger sis!

it's time to go home!
my handsome laoba wearing the new shirt my boyfriend got for him!

And the gambling session at my place starts!

Lee teng is one of e first few to reach,
so mahjong first!

and then it's cheryl enjoying the tian wang yi!

and then it's mahjong king nicholas!

sheena looks like she's peeping at how much money there is in e angbao
and michelle is counting how much money she won from blackjack!

faith's hubby - kelson who is the first banker of e night!

and queenie!
i had no idea she's so good at drinking wine.

playing mahjong with nic, ziling, and my bros - nic and kai!

We love mahjong!

a photo with my best friends!
it's a must to meet up on CNY especially when it's huiyi's bday as well!

amanda's daughter- kellis !
my favourite girl girl!

ziling, queenie and sheena!

michelle and lee teng!

angie and her boy - friend!

a mini grp photo of some of us!
we were too busy gambling.
ain't nobody got time for taking group photos.

bettina and faithlyn!

jing kai and amy!

I have no idea what babies are thinking,
what is she doing?

more gamblers coming in!

faith is educating them on how to become a full time gambler like herself!

my zhao cai mao which brings in a lot of money for me!

photos with the chiobus before we end the night with my low batt camera!

Happy Chinese New Year everyone!
it's a new year again!

Thanks to all friends who came to my place on e first day of CNY
especially to those who lost money to me. hiakhiakhiak!


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