A day to the poodle cafe with my girlfriends!

This is a post filled with my selfies, doggies' and my girlfriends' photos!

We had been talking about bringing our dogs out together,
but honestly speaking, it's not easy, I'll explain to you why it's so difficult later.

The first place we went to was a poodle cafe opened by our friend, nikki, located at serangoon area.

I've been to another dogs' cafe before, but I'd definitely prefer this place 
because of their pink and cute theme in the restaurant, 
and their dogs there are super cute,
last but not least, I can bring my FIFI with me!

That's me, sheena, celeste and my sister-joey!


I was too busy taking selfies 
until I forgot to take photos of other dogs there. ;p


they also have super nice dog food there, 
I ordered the meat loft for FIFI and she finished it with like 30seconds?


super kiasu, because she normally only gets to eat dried food,
so she'll really enjoy when I give her something else.

as for sheena's WAWA, she's too ATAS, need to feed her by hand some more.
really is 有其妈必有其狗. In the end, before WAWA could finish her food, the other dogs there already snatched away 1/3 of her food. lol!

and celeste's boogie is even worse, he don't like the dog food but enjoyed taking our food instead. hahahaha!

look at FIFI's happy face after she finished her food!

she's so super cute!

FIFI sticks to me like super glue, 
so each time I walk away, she'll be crying.
luckily joey was there, so she can help to  ake care of FIFI when I need to use the toilet.


and the next stop is to a place where they have swimming pool for dogs!
they charge at $25 for each dog, and help to bathe them and dry them after the swimming session!

it was super hot that day,
but we can only look at them swim, 
wished I could join them though. hahah!

the excited but frightened puppies!

FIFI was the best swimmer that day,
she swims the fastest and has the strongest stamina,
unlike me ):
I can't swim without floats. hahaha!

FIFI will always swim towards me when the lady pull her away,
which is super cute!

never forget to take photos! hehehe!


and then xuesha, faith and huiyi came to join us!

 boogie resting, hahaha,
he was so scared la, i think he really hated us for forcing him to do this. lol!

The last place we went to was faith's place,
like what I mentioned earlier, it's not easy to bring so many dogs out together at one time.

People always say, shit happens,
but this time I have to say, SHITS happened!

The dogs went around shitting at faith's place!

you had no idea how we freaked out when they started taking turns to shit!

but still, we-fie first!

and the shit didn't end after the dogs started shitting,
one of faith's toilet bowl got choked by the dog's shit.

and we took turn to unclog the toilet!
it was a super funny scene!
hahahaha, just imagine 6 girls with totally no idea of how to do it,
trying to do this together !

luckily faith managed to do it at the end. hahaha! 
if not we really will have to use our hands already. whahaahaha!

ending the post with a photo taken with FIFI at faith's place!
hope to do these healthy activities more often!



