Pre-Valentine's day dinner on 11feb'15

I know it's really expensive to buy flowers during this period of time ):
The florists already marked up the price 1 week ago.
So a bouquet which normally costs $50 is around $150 now.
so bo hua right ):

but I'm still happy to receive flowers from my boyfriend.

I'm the very simple girl, I like 玫瑰花.
My mum likes something else, she prefers 有钱花.

We went to marina square for a little bit of shopping before dinner.
They've already got all the decos up for valentine's day and chinese new year!
So pretty!

baby took like 20 photos before this photo and none of them looks good. 
until I started doing funny faces.

okay lah, this one not too bad.

can't stop looking at my beautiful flowers !

and then it's time to leave marina square for our dinner!

We chose to dine at the Senso Ristorante & Bar.

They have a beautiful reception area and a receptionist to usher us in.
Haven't start dining and I'm already impressed.

I love the ambience, table settings and everything.

We were early so there wasn't anyone else there,
faster take more photos first.

Baby looking so happy!
He can't wait for the food already!

There's quite a lot of choices,
but of course I'd still choose my favourite!

you like?

They've got complimentary wine for us.
And their house wine was really nice!

You can also smoke here!


I've been craving for this for the longest time,
and honestly, they have one of the best oysters!

maybe I'm too ah hai,
I've never seen this before.

then the seeds won't drop onto the oysters!

 yummy yumyum!

and then it's the starter!
my favourite - foie gras!

My boyfriend ordered the black truffles menu.
so from starter till dessert, it's all truffles!

my main course - lamb rack!
but it wasn't as good as I'd expected it to be.

my boyfriend's beef steak with black truffles!

And I chose the vanilla ice cream for dessert!

and boyfriend's black truffle cake.

They gave us a cake!
and I was like, "eh? it's not our anniversary?"

but baby said, "Everyday is like our anniversary ma!"

Thanks baby for the wonderful dinner and the beautiful roses!
oh ya! and for this Canon DSLR which I'm using to take all the photos for this post.
I love you baby!



