Westfield London!

A day in London,

Went out with my colleagues to look for v'day's gift!

But before shopping, we went to have some Malaysian food!

This is Joanna,
look at her face when the server told her what she wanted wasn't available.

Sean & Joanna
It's always nice to work with familiar faces.

My fat fat face!

In london, everything looks nicer and also more expensive ):


One laksa is around 10pounds? Which is around 20 SGD
I doubt we'll be able to survive in London with our average salary in Singapore.


I like their interior designs a lot!

She must be thinking, "Winnie! stop taking photos! let's continue our shopping!"

This store really got the London feel, so must take a photo here.

They have very nice open space cafes in their mall.

With champagne to go with their desserts some more!

need to be so atas or not.

Little mini cupcakes!

Initially we wanted to chill at those cafes,
but we reckon it's gonna be a bit costly to chill there.

So we went to the food court instead!
food court also must be atas,
look at the glasses they use!

After getting the gifts for our boyfriends,
we went back to our hotel.

So I can continue hibernating. Hehehe!

The v'day gift for my boyfriend!
It's really difficult to wrap the gift using this wrapper lor,
after finishing wrapping, I got the glitter all over my clothes and hands. 

Luckily my boyfriend really appreciate my effort!
He likes the wrapper a lot!

I got him the space grey beats earpiece!

Had a hard time choosing what to buy for him, since I've already got him everything I can think of.

So happy to see him happy, weeee!

Have you guys got ur v'day gifts already?


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